10 Reasons The PS3 Will Win

28 03 2007

Agree or disagree?


Thanks to wonderob for this info

-Arizona Jedi



23 responses

28 03 2007

All the reasons listed in that report are fine and dandy.. but.. I think what it will really come down to (which console will come out on top) will be the games.

28 03 2007

I agree with WonderRob ^ plus the price point somewhat for those people who don’t have HDTVs

28 03 2007

Not only that but the PS3’s online service has a long way to go before it can even begin to compete with Xbox Live.

28 03 2007

Corran didn’t read the article.

2. Free Online

Among all the talk about the price of Sony’s console, I almost never see anyone mention the significance of Sony’s free online service. Xbox Live Gold costs $70 to sign up for 1 year, or $20 for three months. You can renew your membership for $50 a year. So if the Xbox 360 stays around for five years, you’ll be paying 70 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = $270 to access features that Sony gives you for free.

I agree, Xbox Live is overall offering a better online service right now. But $270 better? And Sony is steadily narrowing the gap in online features. With improvements to the messaging system and support for background downloading, Sony is rapidly catching up with many of the key advantages that Live has enjoyed. Add to that the fact that Sony is offering virtually lag-free dedicated servers at no cost, while on Xbox Live you are paying for a more laggy peer-to-peer service. Furthermore, one of the biggest advertised features of Xbox Live is matchmaking, yet the implementation of this feature has been inconsistent since it is left up to the developer. The matchmaking service on Resistance: FOM, meanwhile, has been one of its biggest successes, proving that even at this early stage the PS3’s online capabilities are very competitive. And free. As the PS3 community continues to grow with new features and player-generated content from Home and Little Big Planet, Sony’s online service is looking better and better. And, again, they’re not charging you $270 for it.

In response to Rob – I thought Xbox had better games than PS2 and it still lost.

In response to Frank – So Xbox 360 is cheap and all the casual gamers can afford $479 for the elite? $400 for the Premium? Nobody buys the core. Xbox is expensive too. If you really want it you just save up money or get it as a gift.

28 03 2007

In respose to Jedi- Just because YOU thought the xbox had better games doesnt mean it did have better games. A strong reason the PS2 came out on top (besides it being around longer) was it games. Its exclusives. It had Final Fantasy, Ratchet and Clank, Grand Theft Auto, Kingdom Hearts, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus and a lot more im sure. Xbox had a lot of good games as well.. (And sure, it eventually picked up Grand Theft Auto. But not in time to really make any sort of impact on the PS2’s sale) but not enough to reach a point to get the already installed PS2 fanbase to throw away their old consoles. That, my friend, is why PS2 won. Its exclusives.

But here we are now. 2007. A new generation in gaming. The 360 is just a year old. The PS3 is almost 5 months old. It is too soon obviously to call the winner of this console race just yet. But.. if sont cant keep some of their big hitters to their console.. they are gonna have one heck of a time trying to win this round in the console war.

It is all coing to come down to the games.

28 03 2007

Rob = the new Corran.

Spelled “Sony” wrong. Spelled “coming” wrong.

Rob is saying that whoever has exclusives is going to win. This is the wrong post to comment on if you think exclusives are all that matters in the war. Scroll up.

And yes because I thought xbox had better games, it does mean it had better games, IN MY OPINION. Whenever you say one game is better than another, that’s your opinion, you can’t say one game is better than another without it being your opinion. Therefore xbox had better games.

You simply saying that it all comes down to games is overly simplifying it. That may be true for YOU, as a hardcore gamer and someone who keeps up with gaming news and information but what about the casual gamer? What role do you think the media, marketing, and coolness factor play in it? What about the influence of friends and family who already own a certain system; the countless movies, tv shows and songs that mention a popular console? Casual gamers who don’t know that God of War is only on the PS2 when they go to buy their system of choice aren’t only going to look at exclusives. What role does the price and the availibility of the system play in it?

Games do make up a portion of the equation but if you leave out the other parts, you’re doing your math wrong.

28 03 2007

I did read the article and there point is that live is not $270 better…I disagree, it is. As to exclusive games games are part of the equation as well as online service, online content, price etc and as far as I can tell Microsoft excells in all of those. The only reason I can see to buy a PS3 over a 360 is for the cheap blue-ray player.

28 03 2007

$270 is a lot of money. If you have that kind of money why not get the PS3 and 360 Corn Dog?

28 03 2007

Once again, I will say I do not have $600 to spend, look guys, I cant even get GRAW 2 right now lol, Im saving up for guitar hero 2.

28 03 2007

Because That $270 is spent over 5 years while the ps3 is $600 right away.

28 03 2007

Corran’s argument = Credit card is better than paying in cash

28 03 2007

sometimes you just don’t have all that cash right upfront

28 03 2007

No Arizona thats not my argument at all, its a lot easier to spare $50 a year then it is to give $600 all in one moment

28 03 2007

Not if you budget your money right

28 03 2007

Now, I’m not going to defend their poorly-paced, overlong E3 press conference or the lack of playable triple-A titles at E3. But I must remind all the haters that Sony’s E3 2006 showing easily trumps the dismal Xbox 360 debut at last year’s E3…Sony had more playable games, more top-tier exclusives, and more games in the pipeline. Of course, people might expect more from PS3 simply because PS2 was the market leader last gen, and that’s fair…but I feel that they delivered with a massive first-party lineup (there are a TON of titles coming out of SCE), superior technology (Blu-Ray will make a difference in the long run, trust me), some interesting input devices (the ps3 motion-sensing controller, the new eye toy), and the promise of a free Xbox Live-killer online service.

But a botched press conference can’t be the lone source of the crushing PS3 backlash currently flowing across message boards, analyst reports, magazine pages, and the lips of retail employees. Obviously, the PS3’s price has been instrumental in the negative buzz. Yep, it’s expensive. Sony’s risky gamble to make their console more of a high-end, futureproofed device has seemingly alienated and pissed off a whole lotta people. I think that gamers who are reacting so negatively to the price will feel the pain when PS3 actually launches.

– Shane Bettenhausen EGM Editor

29 03 2007

Why does one have to be better than the other? I more or less agree with the arguement. But I’m sure if I read an Xbox article, then I would agree. But why can’t there be TWO!?! (or 3 including the Wii)

29 03 2007

Slick finally says something that makes sense. Waiting 4 corran, rob, and Franks response…….

29 03 2007

How about this one, you will hear my final opinion on Episode 27 I am typing up the shownotes right now.

29 03 2007

Quiet Frank, let the big boys talk!

29 03 2007

I want to get in on this when we record.

30 03 2007

^ Exactly what I said

3 04 2007

Hope this doesn’t kill you Justin.

Yeys fur da grammer powice!

3 04 2007

Garrett better not be my little bwava Yoshi

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